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Re: Different slant on women racers

Subject: Re: Different slant on women racers
From: Debbie Stohn <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 21:37:40 -0800 wrote:

> Our problem, here in Atlanta, is getting women to even try the sport. .....
> Women autocrossers of the world, please help us to know what to do to
> change this around. Especially if you tried it here in Atlanta and have
> some inside info on why women are staying away in droves.

  I am female, 50, single, bought an autocross car and will try racing for
the first time this spring.  It's something I've always wanted to do and I
received the encouragement to try racing from a male co-worker and
time-trial/road racer of 23.
What do you think people's responses have been when I tell them my story?
'What????!!!!!!  Have you gone mad???'  ' Oh, you're having a mid-life
crisis, are you??????'  That's from the over 35 crowd.  Many of the women
under 30 have said, "You go, girl!'  'Where will you compete?  I want to come
and watch, you!"  Also heard more than once, "Oh, you're going to be pit
crew??  Do you know anything about it??"  "You don't mean you're going to
Thank heavens there are so many people on this list who 'think outside the
2NCES in New England

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