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Re: Revised shock rule

To: Kevin McCormick <ktm@Unify.Com>,
Subject: Re: Revised shock rule
From: whitney <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:51:56 -0800
Last year's wording was a 1" variance in extended length - but spring perch
position remains the same.

At 02:45 PM 2/12/99 -0800, Kevin McCormick wrote:
>Hi all,
>I don't have my rulebook here at work and am trying to find the wording for
>the shock absorber tolerance that I think was added semi-recently.  I
>thought there was a fastrack or Appendix G item which gave a 1" variance on
>shock dimensions (not perch heights, of course.)  I need to understand what
>was intended there.
>Anyone have that rule handy?
>And/Or does anyone know the explicit meaning?
>That is, does it mean the overall extended length, body lenght, compressed
>link, etc.
>Kevin McCormick
>P.S. I went to Jerry M's wonderful rules/classification page, but it looks
>like it's missing some recent additions.

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