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Pahrump rooms all gone! was: SOLO II in Pahrump

Subject: Pahrump rooms all gone! was: SOLO II in Pahrump
From: Thomas Smith <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:36:58 -0600
I'd like to do the event, but I called both motels last night and both are
full. Unless someone has an extra bed I'll have to skip this one.

Tom Smith
98 Integra Type R wrote:

> Charles:
> We're close to the home of Art (Legend in His Own Mind) Bell, and just up
> th' road a piece from Area 51.  Come on out and play....  The story that
> last time the FTD car was hovering 8 inches off the ground, and flashing an
> eerie pale blue light outta the back just before it took off into that dark
> cloud are just rumors....  (Fade to "Twilight Zone" theme music)
> JD Kemp &
> "Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB
> ***************************************************
> Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 16:27:30 -0600
> From: "Charles R. Schultz" <>
> Subject: Re: SOLOII Divisional March 6 & 7
> I suppose the site is somewhere between Art Bell's house and Area 51?
> - --------------------------
> wrote:
> > Divisional on the weekend of March 6 and 7 at Spring Mountain Motorsports
> > Park, in beautiful Pahrump Nevada.

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