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Re: 24 hour auto-x

To: "Moore, John" <>
Subject: Re: 24 hour auto-x
From: washburn <>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 17:15:27 -0600
Moore, John wrote:
> > What else......Neons!
> >
>         So, all you neon people out there, could a neon really hold up to 24
> hours of constant abuse? How about new Beetles or Toyota Celica GT's
> instead?
Lemme know where I can rent 'em. (I would rent a Bug just for the hell
of it if I could.) Neons are always abused by you all anyway, so what's
the difference?  :)
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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