On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 08:11:25 -0600 washburn <washburn@dwave.net> writes:
>TeamZ3@aol.com wrote:
>> For all the newbies out there, let me introduce to the DOT racing
>tire family:
>> Kumho
>> - referred to as...
>Being the sensitive 90's kinda guy I am, I take extreme offense at
>this reference. They may be fat. They may be sloppy. They are NOT
Cheap is relative. We just ordered 6 BFG's (since CUT was out of our
size and couldn't really estimate a delivery date). Spending that much
money for tires I pretty sure won't last near as long was painful.
Granted, our Kumho's should have been retired about a half season before
they were (loss of grip, not appearance of cord reasons), but they lasted
two full seasons with Eric and I both running pretty much all local
events (he missed two races this year--that's why I'm CS champ and not
him), 6-8 next region over events, and three state championships.
So, maybe "cheaper" is a better term?
Mari Clements