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Re: OT: Anyone live near Pax River MD?

To: "Paul Heuer" <>, "Mailing List Alpines"
Subject: Re: OT: Anyone live near Pax River MD?
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 21:07:03 -0800
> It would still be good to hear from someone with school age kids.

OH and I forgot,,Paul, most of the chaps in that area are,,,,,,,aah,,,,a bit 
older, children have left the nest you see, the poor souls have nothing else 
to do except play around,,,,,, with their cars and stuff..

> My only disappointment is not getting a wisecrack out of Chuck....

There you have both, a wise crack from Chuck and something to contemplate as 
you are arriving . Where are all the children?

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