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Re: OT: Anyone live near Pax River MD?

To: "Paul Heuer" <>, "Mailing List Alpines"
Subject: Re: OT: Anyone live near Pax River MD?
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 21:01:48 -0800
OH No not again!! Stay home !!

Ah just joking, Hi Paul, I hadn't had a chance even to prattle on to you 
about where to"go" but you found it by your self. I am proud of you. I was 
just think a couple of weeks ago about you and your family was. Glad to see 
you are heading back to the states. And then you start picking on me,,.Well 
glad to hear from you. When is your stay starting? Wish you were closer to 
the real US , in the west.
DO take care and safe trip..
Chuck in Oregon 

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