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Re: History Detectives

Subject: Re: History Detectives
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 01:26:57 EDT
I just watched the program and, alas, the fine looking Sunbeam Alpine is  not 
the "To Catch a Thief" car.  They traced the production manager who  helped 
find old records including the VIN number.  If you have a Proper  Alpine send 
your VIN to PBS.ORG and if you own the car it should be worth  $100,000 
according to the program.
Rob C
_bmounce@rcn.com_ (  writes:

For  those interested in the older Alpines, tonight on PBS' History
Detectives,  they are investigating the car driven by Cary Grant in To Catch
A  Thief.  It is 9PM on the east coast, search your local PBS  station's
website for more info.

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