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Re: hardtop attachment

To: "Barry Hayes" <>, <>
Subject: Re: hardtop attachment
From: "Eric Gibeaut" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:25:04 -0500
I have one of these tops.  They do not have any attachments that fasten to
the boot hinges.  They also never had the side or front latches as the
original tops did.  Instead they used turnbuckles. Crude yes but at least
these tops don't rust! Eric

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry Hayes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: hardtop attachment

> A slightly more directed question, thanks to a helpful member ..
> The hadrtop I bought is a Parrish Plastics hardtop, not a factory
> Rootes hardtop. It doesn't look as if it's ever had attachment
> snap-down buckles on the side -- the turnbuckle looks original. It
> also lacks the keepers in the rear that fit into the boot hinges, but
> it doesn't look as if they're missing or anything.
> anyone out there have light to shed on the difference between the
> factory hardtop and the Parrish hardtop?
>  -barry

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