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sticky clutch?

To: "Alpine Discussion List" <>
Subject: sticky clutch?
From: "Bill Mounce" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 12:37:26 -0400
Hi Piners

I finally got my electrical stuff working to where I can get my car inspected
(67 SV).  Having let it sit for several months, I now cannot get it in gear!
My clutch is not working.  I bled it, and checked the arm that is 'pushed' by
the slave cylinder for motion, it has it, but the clutch driven plate is not
disengaging.  I confirmed this by putting it in gear and hitting the starter
motor.  In the previous few months I have been working on the wiring harness,
but not driving it.  In the past few years, I have only driven it a few
hundred yards, as I was rebuilding it, but the clutch, which is new, did work.
I have sussed it is either something fell apart internally (unlikely as it was
simply sitting in my garage), or the plate is stuck, if this is possible.
Before I pull everything apart, does anyone have any thoughts.

As a side note, tomorrow the 28th is my Pine's 38th birthday, and I really
wanted to take the wife for her first drive in it!

Many thanks as always,


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