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Re: Door Closing Tech Tip, Window Cranking Question, and it

To: Steve Sage <>
Subject: Re: Door Closing Tech Tip, Window Cranking Question, and it
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 10:36:53 -0800
Smitty usually recommends taking everything apart, removing the window 
winders and cleaning them, then immersing them in a mix of grease and 
gear oil that's been heated till it's runny.  When the winder is pulled 
out and the grease congeals, wipe off the excess.  This'll usually last 
for a while.
Could be something as simple as the window tracks needing adjustment, 
but when the lube goes out of the window winder, the gear teeth get worn 
and with no lube it just generally gets harder to work the 
mechanism--hence the 'disassemble and dip in melted grease' routine.

Best Regards
David Sosna

Steve Sage wrote:

> 2. Question:  The passenger side window has gotten harder and harder 
> to roll up and down. This seems to have happened since I had the door 
> panels replaced but it has gradually become even worse since then. I 
> have to roll it up a couple of inches, down an inch, up a couple more 
> inches, etc. etc. to get it all the way open or closed. I know the 
> panel will have to come off but are there any obvious things to look 
> for when it does tonight? If I'm lucky, maybe it just needs some more 
> WD40 or lube.
> Steve Sage

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