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Rebuilding my Stromberg carbs

To: List Alpine <alpines@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Rebuilding my Stromberg carbs
From: Ed Howard <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:19:34 -0700 (PDT)
Hi gang:

I bought the carb rebuild kits for my dual Strombergs
on my Series 5, took everything apart, cleaned
everything up, installed the new parts, put oil in the
top, and put it all back together.

Now for the adjustment part. It seems to idle much
smoother now, but when I accelarate down the street, I
have no accelaration. It almost feels like I am
driving with my emergency brake on.

The pistons weren't going up and down freely, so I
followed the directions in the shop manual to
centralize (or is it centralise?) the needle, but it
is still bogging down.

In addition, when I turn off the car, there is overrun

What am I missing?

Any tips from the masters would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
1967 Alpine Series 5

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