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Re: 50 Year old Classic! - No Tiger Content

Subject: Re: 50 Year old Classic! - No Tiger Content
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 11:42:18 EDT
Thanks, I misstated the highway as 48 instead of 46. Good use of map quest 
(LOL). For over 20 years I have hunted upland game birds at the foot of the 
hills that are just west of the intersection. There is or was a restaurant 
also, but I have not been in it for several years (preferring my on cooking) it 
may not be open. Next time I'm over there I'll take a picture of the 
intersect if anybody wants one. 

Of note also, the section of highway to Paso is considered one of the most 
dangerous in CA. Fines are doubled for speeding and the road is one of the 
heaviest patrolled I've ever seen. Don't get caught speeding there. 

Just reread an e-mail I just sent and inadvertently typed truck and of course 
we all know it Jan of Jan and Dean fame that hit the truck. (mind says car, 
fingers type truck).


P.S. Ya want to have breakfast or lunch in Paso sometime, bring your Tiger, 
pick a date, time and place and I'll buy the meal for the first 3 Tigers 
showing up. End of subject, we've beaten this one to pulp.

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