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Re: 50 Year old Classic! - No Tiger Content

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: Re: 50 Year old Classic! - No Tiger Content
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 07:44:04 -0700
I do like all of the news about James Dean. I was a fan and my same aged
Aunt was an absoult nut over him.. Yeh thats a girl thing.Good info though
and I do remember that he had a small car too.
Still     could have been a truck. ~(8=)
Jane and I have been out on a couple of good two hour runs in the sun and
evenings are kinda cool with the top in the garage.
Ser lll Pumpkin.

Chuck just waitin for some more good weather here in Portland.

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