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Tech Tip

To: "Alpine, Message" <>
Subject: Tech Tip
From: "Thomas Wiencek" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 12:18:18 -0600
Hard Nut to Crack? Free up that Rusted Nut and Bolt 

An old farmers trick, when you are fighting that rusted bolt and nut
that absolutely refuses to come apart without resorting to the
grinder/cutoff wheel. Try heating it with your handy propane torch, then
take one of your spouses (or significant others) good candles and work
it over the nut allowing the heated wax to work into the nut. I have to
tell you this really works well. (well, not my wife's candle part)

Actually, it is best to invest in one of your own to use in the garage,
spouses generally take a dim view of "but I needed it in the garage"..
also note: its even better to buy a second one for her.....lets her
think that you were thinking of her all the time.....And just happened
to remember you needed one in the garage, besides that gives you a

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