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Click Click

To: "List Alpine" <>, <>
Subject: Click Click
From: "Bob Berghult" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:17:40 -0400
Hi Mike,
    You'd never guess what happend to my wife this afternoon.  She stopped
to visit my daughter for a couple of minutes, got back in the car ('96)
Riviera.  She turned the key to start and, yup, you guessed it, "the dreaded
'click click'".  It just so happend she was right near an auto electric shop
that we've delt with for many years.  They checked it out and it was the
battery.  Even though it showed a full charge, it had lost power over the
years, (orignal equipment, 118,000 miles) it just gave up.  New battery and
problem solved.
Bob Berghult
Atlanta Chapter
Series II
Series IV

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