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Re: Any KC, MO people on the list?

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Any KC, MO people on the list?
From: "Dan Eiland" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 18:10:27 -0600

Thank you for your gracious offer. Would it be better for you if I just have
the car shipped to you and you can take your time with the inspection. Would
hate to rush something like this. When you are done just contact me and I'll
come get the car in a few years.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Any KC, MO people on the list?

| Hi Dan
|  I would like to volunteer to go and look at the car for you in the Kansas
| City/Misouri area. I anticipate a thorough inspection/test taking 7-10
| If you could forward the return flight tickets to me here in the UK and
| be on my way.
|                       Yours
|                 Kevan Egan 74 Int.III Mcr UK

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