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AW: [OT] New spamming technique.

To: <>
Subject: AW: [OT] New spamming technique.
From: "Patrick" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:58:29 +0100

i think, if one is using outlook, then you can set the email to be send and
i think also received as text and not as html. if so, then text won't hurt
at all. html can execute syntax, plain text can't. so to prevent this from
happen, change the setting. i recon, this would help.


-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Jarrid Gross
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Januar 2003 17:29
An: Kevin McLemore; Eddie.Donovan@PWGSC.GC.CA;;
Betreff: RE: [OT] New spamming technique.


But would you ignore an email with a title that says"
"Changes to your email account"

Your parcitice sounds fine, but I think this one would still get you.  Since
I originally started this thread, I have received 2 more from other sources
with equally compelling titles.

Your virus checker wont catch this because it has no payload. It gives
confirmation that your email address is valid and that you read your email,
and also (which scares me even more) provides your IP address to the server
that is logging all the hits from these emails.  An even less scrupulous
scammer could use your IP address to find a vulnerability in your computer.

I have seen the future and it is getting downright scary.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin McLemore []
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 6:26 AM
To: Eddie.Donovan@PWGSC.GC.CA;;;
Subject: RE: [OT] New spamming technique.

Yes, Eddie, I do the same thing.. delete everything that seems suspicious or

like spam before I even open them!  This keeps any attached VBS scripts or 
other 'nasties' from running and delivering malicious code to my box.

-Kevin McLemore

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Eddie Donovan" <Eddie.Donovan@PWGSC.GC.CA>
Reply-To: "Eddie Donovan" <Eddie.Donovan@PWGSC.GC.CA>
To: "Jarrid Gross" <>,   "T.J. Higgins"  
<>,   "Alpines" <>
Subject: RE: [OT] New spamming technique.
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 22:58:55 -0500

Like all of I get the usual assortment of spam, 10 to 15 a day. Several 
months ago I started the habit of looking in the list of new mail and before

opening, deleting anything that originated from someone I didn't know or 
whose subject line made it obvious enough. Then I'd go back and begin to 
read what remained. I'm certain I've deleted a couple from list members but 
by and large I read enough from the group to be familiar with most of your 
e-mail "handles". With this and the usual assortment of anti-virus, etc 
software I haven't yet been infected with anything. I probably still receive

the odd one but not even opening the e-mail (or having the preview option 
enabled which opens it them)keeps me a little safer and up and running 

On a better note! I just came back from the paint shop and my 1961 Series II

has six new coats of colour (39 from Jan's paint chips) and six new coats of

clear on a frame-off restoration of a rust free body! They start buffing it 
tomorrow! Took some good pictures with my wife's new digital camera that I 
wish I could send to you all as attachments but they'd be stripped off 
before getting to you. It's so great after a couple of years to see my 
Alpine with a beautiful new coat on. 8~)

Eddie Donovan (AlpineII)
Carlsbad Springs, Ontario
Series II, 1961 - B9108405 LRX - Finished the paint shop and starting to 
Series II, 1961 - B9104430 ODLR - Future project
SAOCA Member #20

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarrid Gross []
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 3:01 PM
To: T.J. Higgins; Alpines
Subject: [OT] New spamming technique.


I think Ive uncovered a now way for spammers to see if they have a live
email address.

The email has a clever subject line that almost anyone will click on,
"Changes to your email account"

The email itself is almost jibberish, not even spammy, but it has hidden
HTML in it that refers to a website, and the body of the HTML has your email
address embedded in it that will get sent in an HTML dialag when you view
the email.

here is the HTML if anyone is interested, I substituted
"" for my email address.

&b=tue07&-new" border="0" width="2" height="1"></body></html>

As you can see, the spammer can verify automatically if he has a live
address just be sending the email and then watching the HTML traffic on his
web server.

I suspect my spam load is about to skyrocket.

Jarrid Gross

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* 

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