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article on my local british car club

Subject: article on my local british car club
From: "William Lewis" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:42:45 -0700
Check out the August-September issue of British Car magazine.  On page 17,
there is an article about "Making a British Car Club Tick".  The car club
used as their example is the United British Car Club out of Sacramento.  I
am a member of this club, as are three other Sunbeam owners (total:  3
Alpines, 2 Minxes, 1 Hillman Estate, 1 Tiger).  For those of you in the
Central Valley, our meet in Dixon rivals any other British meet in
California.  We had over 200 cars this year.  Last year we had the
Harrington Tiger.  I invite anyone within driving distance who owns a
British car, used to own a British car, or has a fantasy about owning a
British car, to check out joining our club.  Although we are not an Alpine
only club, this all inclusive group gives we few, but proud, Alpine owners
an opportunity to show off our cars and interact with others who appreciate
them.  For those of you not involved in local car clubs,  I would advise
joining.  It can be a lot of fun.

Bill Lewis

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