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Re: Quarter-panel welding

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Quarter-panel welding
From: Alex McGregor <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 19:14:33 -0600
Bill Tubbs wrote:

> ........

> Then, I have to take Jan's advice into consideration... to dump the shell in
> favor of a cleaner one because of the time/effort to clean this one up for
> the long haul.

It's great advice, same as I recieved a couple of years ago.  Trouble is, I
haven't been able to find a good S1 shell.  If anyone knows of one etc. etc.
I'm in the market, let me or the seller know.

In the meantime, I've aquired a Minx convertable.  It's a lot of fun but it's
just not an Alpine.



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