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.org message board

To: <>
Subject: .org message board
From: "Ian Spencer" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 08:27:53 -0400
Sorry to bomb the list. Please delete if you don't use the message board

I've created a new database and backed up the old messages. This is to
fix the login problems we have been having for the past several weeks. I
didn't migrate the old accounts ID's because I want everyone to create
new ones. There are a few good reasons for this one being I want
everyone to write them down while they are fresh in your minds and the
other is because the new code was written to use tables that didn't
exist in the old code. I didn't want to tamper with it and create a
whole new list of login problems, so I felt it was easier to have
everyone simply create a new account. (30 seconds for you... or hours
for me)

Sorry if this have been a hassle for anyone, but I want to be sure that
the board is working for everyone that wants to use it.

The only problem I have been having with the new board is posting new
topics and replies with the Netscape browser. I'm looking into a fix for
this now.


Ian Spencer
Client Services
University Hospital
Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
(513) 584-0365

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