Jim is entirely correct. The Klev and even the Elkern or Caven can do this.
They will comb an email list and grab names then randomly send, listing culled
names as the source. Its interesting when you get one from yourself. The
MacAffee site has a great deal of info on these and does a great job of
keeping you clean. Its going to take a while for this to die as it appears one
or more folks on the lists have the virus. They do not always immediately
cause performance issues and many will not be aware they have them. It is
likely they will bounce around for a bit. I will attempt to source where they
are originating, but with multiple sources, it is nearly impossible. BTW I
have no connection to MacAffee, simply like their stuff. Everyone should make
sure their Outlook and Outlook express have the patches that will prevent the
virus from embedding by a simple rollover. Without the patch, simply
highlighting the email opens it and the bug goes to town on your .exe and .bat
files and will attempt to destroy virus protection software definition files.
Its a very clever multi-faceted beast. I encourage going to a virus protection
site, Norton, MacAffee, et al, as they have many links and lots of helpful
Mark B