Hi there.
I'm going to be cutting parts from the chassis of our parts car--like the
compartment and spare tire well (they're in good shape somehow). Rather
than use a torch, I want to do it the clean way with an air-powered metal
What gauge is the steel used in these cars? (It's a Series 5)
I want to make sure I get a cutter that's adequate. Also I need to get a
for doing plug welding on the body work.
Another question for the experienced welders out there:
I've got a fair amount of oxy-acetylene experience from the marine repair
I used to have. I would say I have a "medium" skill level. I never had or
used an
arc welder. I have read that MIG welding is the way to go for the average
who is doing a restoration. Also, I've been told that if I can gas weld
then it would be easy to learn arc welding. My oxy-acetylene torches and
the related equipment went with the business when I sold it.
With this stuff in mind, would you guys recommend that I get another torch
and do gas welding, or get a MIG welder and start arc welding?
Hey thanks