A few Invasion announcements...
Each registered adult will receive one ticket for the door prize
drawings. This year we will be giving away (1) $500.00 Sunbeam
Specialties gift certificate, (1) $100.00 Sunbeam Specialties gift
certificate, (3) $50.00 Sunbeam Specialties gift certificates, (2)
$250.00 Classic Sunbeam gift certificate, (5) $50.00 Classic Sunbeam
gift certificates, and (2) Cardoodletoon Caricatures of you and your car
by Michael Lee (Valued at $175.00ea). There will also be more smaller
prizes this year and we will be also having a 50/50 split the pot raffle
too. You need not be present to win.
Anyone that will be attending the event and needs to be picked up from
the airport please let me know. I will be available to pick anyone up
that needs a lift. Please work this out directly with me and try not to
wait until the last minute to let me know. Try to schedule arrivals at
the Dayton International Airport for Wednesday night or Thursday morning
before Noon.
The deadline for hotel reservations is May 20th. After May 20th you will
still be able to reserve your room, but we cannot guarantee that rooms
will be available after that date. Hotels for the event are as follows:
Phone: 1-800-HOLIDAY
You must mention the three letter rate code "SAO" for the discounted
$66.00 per night.
5588 Merily Way
Huber Heights, OH 45424
(937) 233-4300
There are many other hotels in the same area as the Hampton Inn, but I
recommend the Holiday Inn in Tipp City because it is much closer to the
event and we are reserving a hospitality room at that Holiday Inn in
Tipp City as well. If you decide to come on a whim, I don't think that
there will be a problem finding a room at any of the local hotels, but I
have no idea what the rates will be on a last minute room and I can't
promise that there will be rooms either.
Registration forms, maps and details are available at www.saoca.org and
www.sunbeamalpine.org. Feel free to contact me directly if you have
questions about this event. This years event should be much bigger than
last years and we are looking forward to meeting everyone for a
wonderful Sunbeam weekend. We have a lot planned this year, so come
prepared to drive your Sunbeam and have a good time. This will be the
Alpine event of the year!!!
Ian Spencer