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Subject: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
From: "Kevin McLemore" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 20:20:30 -0400
Hey, gang -

OK, so I had a WONDERFUL time today, and I just have to say.. Ahhhhhhhh!  An 
absolutely beautiful spring day, not too terrible traffic and the Bunseam 
got out to get out of it's box for the first time in ages.  Glorious!  I 
swear, she knows when it's a nice day and fairly leaps out of her garage 
when I first crank her up.  She ran like a champ all day long - not a burp 
or a chug in the lot.  She deserves a nice waxing as a treat.

To top it off, I had a 'straight up pointer' day today.  Now, I know what 
the more seedy of you are probably thinking and shame on you...  that's NOT 
what I mean - it has absolutely *nothing* to do with Viagra.  No, my 
comrades, it is when, due to pure happenstance and timing all the pointers 
on the gauges are exactly aligned straight up to a beautiful blue sky at 
only a moment in time.  Have you ever noticed that?  Yes, the Alpine's 
ammeter reads "0" (neutral), tach reads 40 (4K rpm), oil pressure reads 45 
psi, speedo reads 60 mph, clock is at 12 noon and fuel at 4.5 imperial 
gallons (20 litres) - all pointers up!  Now, if it had only been turning 
over to a round number on the odometer... perfection.

Ahh.. what sweet mysteries of life.  Do you suppose the factory planned it 
that way?  It is a rather good way to check for proper tacho operation in 
any event.

Rolling along nicely today thankyouverymuch,
Kevin McLemore
1967 Alpine V
1949 Triumph Renown

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