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Re: questions about restoring an Alpine

To: "Russell & Neola" <>,
Subject: Re: questions about restoring an Alpine
From: "Louis & Laila" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 06:24:16 -0700
I have 14" wire wheels on my Alpine and have had no problems, other than the
fact wire wheels suck something fierce. Splines wear out. Spokes break. They
get out of true. They develop leaks and are a pain in the ass to fix the
flat because most of the grease monkeys who repair tires insist on trapping
the inner tube on the metal bar that breaks the tire from the rim and
ripping the tube to shreads. People have told me you can only a few threads
on the spinners to engage, but I think you only lack one. If you insist on
using wires, use the 14" MGB wheels. Perhaps you want mine once the new
tires wear out and I switch to the sensible rimse.g. Minilites or LAT-70
wheels? Lou
----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell & Neola" <>
To: "Jerry Berg" <>; "Alpine List"
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: questions about restoring an Alpine

> Can anyone help Jerry with his queries? His email address is
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jerry Berg
> To: Russell & Neola
> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 2:17 AM
> Subject: Re: questions about restoring an Alpine
> Hi Russ---Thanks for replying.  Sorry to be so slow in getting back to
> you--I'm usually more prompt than this.  Anyway, my wife and I have a '67
> Alpine with wire wheels and a 4 speed, no overdrive.  The car was
> 10 years ago and immediately after that put into storage in Tucson.  It
> some tinkering to get it running again, but all drivetrain seems good.
> are my problems:
> 1.  Without overdrive, it feels wound up at 55, as if it ought to have one
> more gear.  I've been told that 14" wires from an MGB fit, but would they
> help enough to make it worth switching wheels?  Also, I've already put new
> 13" tires on.  I've talked to a guy locally who spent $2000 putting an
> overdrive in his Alpine.  Any recommendations here?  Is it feasible to
> install a 5 speed tranny from some other make?
> 2.  I'm having a devil of a time with getting my wire wheels trued.  Have
> already spent over $300 to no avail.  Have located a guy in Santa Cruz, CA
> who may be able to do it right, but I'm holding off until I find out if
> wheels is a better way to go.
> 3.  Electrical problems (big surprise?)  I guess the 10 years baking in a
> metal storage unit in Tucson took their toll--the seller assured me
> everything worked when he put the car there, but now I have no blower or
> horn.  The horn actually did work at first, but en route to Oregon where
> live, it started honking every time I turned right, so I disconnected it.
> Any suggestions for finding the short?  Re the blower, I've run a
> hot wire directly to the motor, and still nothing.  I suppose the motor
> needs to come out for service?
> Thanks so much for any advice you can offer.  We like the car, and we're
> anxious to get it painted and put a new top on and enjoy it this summer,
> I'd like to get these other problems solved first.
> Best regards,                                  Jerry and Connie

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