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Alpine models

Subject: Alpine models
From: "Rick Harrison" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 00:25:39 +1100

Some recent comments about model Alpines jogged my memory about a discovery 
I made a while ago that might interest some of you. A year or so ago I took 
the family to Warragamba Dam for a picnic.(Warragamba supplies a 
considerable portion of the water for the Sydney area.) While we were there 
we took a look at the visitors centre where they have a scale model of the 
dam. The model includes the dam itself and the surrounding area - roads, 
carparks complete with model cars and ... you guessed it ... Sunbeam Alpines 
and other Rootes vehicles are there in abundance! The models are "Matchbox" 
size Series IVs or Vs complete with hardtops and are, I think, actually 
"Husky" brand models. I don't know whether it was a Rootes enthusiast who 
set up the model of the dam or if the local Toy shop had an oversupply when 
they set the whole thing up. If I remember rightly, there must have been 20 
- 30 Alpines alone, then some Minxs and others. Take a look if you're ever 

Rick Harrison

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