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Re: Ex. Manifiold Repair

To: "Vladimir Broz" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Ex. Manifiold Repair
From: "Louis & Laila" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 04:27:56 -0700
It is my sincerest recommendation that you just buy a new one. After wasting
a few hours of your life on the metal, which will probably fail again, and
cost you money, you would just be more happy if you bought a new one. Time
in your life is worth something, isn't it? They are available cheaply
enough, for less than the cost of repair. But here goes...
One of the ways to repair it is to braze a lump of brass onto it, then grind
it down to the correct size. Building brass up that high, over an 1/8" of an
inch requires some skill, since most people will just keep melting off the
stuff that is stuck once they try to add extra layers. Even the best brazing
job eventually breaks off, so you are back where you started. Secondly, you
can weld cast iron, but this requires rod with high nickle content. The
pre-heating required usually warps the metal which requires remachining to
ensure no exhaust leaks. Then, the metal is now an alloy trapped between 2
pieces of cast iron. the continual heating, expansion, cooling, contraction,
of the parent metal eventually cracks right along the edge of the weld,
where the nickle content is deminished. Once again you are back where you
started. If this were a manifold for a Ferrari or a 1910 Essex, I would tell
you to repair it, but since people chuck these things out, and the cost of
repair excedes the part on ebay, I can't recommend repair. Lou
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vladimir Broz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: Ex. Manifiold Repair

> Do any of you knowledgeable folks know how to replace a 1/4" chunk that
> broken off and missing from the upper left mounting hole of my exhaust
> manifold??  Is there some type of high temp "Metal Set" that could work?
> welding an option?  Thanks in advance!
> Scrambling to get on the road when the warm weather comes,
> Vlad
> 1966 SV 395005683
> Ramsey, New Jersey
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