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E-Brake color

Subject: E-Brake color
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 21:40:36 EST
Most all the Alpines I have been exposed to (talking series 3-5) have had 
"Black" emergency brake handles.  I have also heard of a couple "brown" ones. 
 My series 3 GT has a "medium gray," kind of a silver hammer (fine).  

Anyone have a clue as to the consistency of these.  Or was it just a matter 
of what the manufacturer was sending Rootes at the time.  I took mine up to 
my powder coaters today with the idea I was going to paint it wrinkle black, 
then I hesitated and asked him to wait till I called him.  Another note:  The 
plastic button on mine is also a silver colored plastic rather than black.

I know this sounds trivial but I have fun with this stuff.


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