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Re: Sandblasting

To: "Ron Tebo" <>, "jumpin'jan" <>
Subject: Re: Sandblasting
From: "Bill Blue" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:05:50 -0500
About the EPA nailing DIY sandblasters.  This would fall under the air
program, which is enforced by the individual states.  What you could get by
with would depend on your state, or perhaps city if the state had happened
to delegate that chore.  You as an individual can usually get by with a lot
more than a business.  For instance, here in Indiana, an individual can have
a trash fire (which smolders all day) but a business owner cannot have a
brisk wood fire to rid himself of some pallets.

Same goes for discharges to the sanitary sewer.  You can actually do some
chrome plating and legally dispose of the rinse water down the drain (you
won't be the most popular guy in town, but the regs only apply to industrial

Check with the local authorities (or state), you may be surprised what you
can do as a private citizen and not run afoul of the environmental regs.
Regardless, protect them there lungs and eyeballs!
Bill (Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator,Indiana Department of
Environmental Management)

---- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Tebo" <>
To: "jumpin'jan" <>
Cc: "alpines" <>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Sandblasting

> Jan:
> I think Gary (and many others) are not "stupid amateurs". Here in
> Alberta (environmentally oriented to big oil and big agriculture, like
> Texas), and I suspect, in many areas in the States, outdoor blasting on
> large objects is still permitted, and I can go to a local store and buy
> silica sand and small pots for outdoor blasting. I can also truck or
> trailer large parts to one of several commercial blasting operations
> within city limits and do outdoor silica blasting myself (they provide
> only the hood and earplugs) for $30-35 US per hour. They are usually
> very busy, but I suspect you are correct, in saying you might be sued if
> you did blasting in your driveway.
> Coal slag (Black Beauty) is much less efficient than specular hematite,
> a type of iron oxide that is the only blast media shown in recent
> U.S.NIOSH studies to produce minimal health effects on rats. It costs
> more but works so efficiently it ends up being cheaper and produces very
> little dust.See
> I am no expert and have little experience, but recently built a
> bead-blasting cabinet for a school shop, and had to do some abrasive
> research. I came to the conclusion that abrasive blasting of any sort is
> not very healthy, and my method of choice would be that recommended
> previously by you and Ian (and lately, by J.Laifman). How about the
> razor blade or chip method with proper environmental disposal of the
> Ron Tebo
> jumpin'jan wrote:
> >
> > Gary,
> >         By the way, what did you meant by environmentally friendly? I
> > understand what you are getting at. All the commercial blasting is
> > usually done in a contained room according to EPA guidelines. Anything
> > outside is done by a stupid amateur.
> > Jan
> > --
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> > ___/ / ____/ / / /  \ \                   _|
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