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Re: Announcing the Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club of America

Subject: Re: Announcing the Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club of America
From: Ian Spencer <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:27:38 -0500
That's very good to hear! :-)  I've always had a great deal of respect for you 
well as many other members of this list. Now, I'm off to rake leaves on my yard
and take advantage of a nice day off to get some much needed chores done around
the house.

New SAOC of America members... I will also be spending time this weekend 
the web site and contacting you with your member ID's and passwords. I will also
be sending a welcome letter explaining our agenda for the first year. I
personally want to thank everyone for their support with this new organization.
- Ian wrote:

> Ian,
>     I understand it is hard to know what happens in other Clubs without being
> directly involved in them, or at least being a member receiving a newsletter.
>  Thank you for the apology, and you might find it interesting that PTC's
> President has an Alpine.  Our VP has two Alpines.  Our Treasurer has one
> Alpine.  Our Secretary/Membership directors have one Alpine and our Events
> person has one Alpine...and not one of them is a parts car for a Tiger!
> Jim

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