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Re: Scott Christie's question to the list.

Subject: Re: Scott Christie's question to the list.
From: Paul Heuer <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 09:24:59 +0930
My old Grandpa had a trick when it came to blocked jets:
Cross wire a couple of the spark plugs and crank the engine. She'll
backfire and hopefully blow the junk out of the jets. Correct the plug
wiring, and restart. Ugly, but he swore by it.

It might just work, given Scott's put on an inline filter to stop any
new crud coming through, so you just need to deal with the stuff already
in the carbs/line.

I know Ian will be careful, but if any one else tries this, watch out
for the results of the backfire (flames from the carbs!), and be ready
for the loud BANG you are trying to achieve.

Hmmm, I hope this will not blow the 'ecomony valve' diaphragm apart?


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