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Hillman Imp mentioned...

To: "Alpine List" <>
Subject: Hillman Imp mentioned...
From: "Rich Atherton" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 13:23:28 -0700
    I just thought I would pop in and say that I heard something that made me
smile a few nights ago.  Last week on the Conan O'Brien show (NBC after
Leno)...The guest was this fairly unknown guy who plays one of the main Ape's
in the new "Planet of the Apes" movie...  Anyway, he was telling this story
about how he was in some play as a Nazi Skin Head and decided to walk around
the streets of London to see if he was famous..  Well he got chased by a real
group of Nazi Skin heads.  When they caught him he described it this
way...."They ran me down and threw me up against a Hillman Imp, a cheap little
English car, then proceeded to beat me...".  I said "Hey!  He's talking about
my old car!  Cool!"

Anyway, there you have it...the rare mentioning of one of our beloved Rootes

Motor On !!

Former owner of a 65 Series IV Alpine, and 65 Sunbeam IMP

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