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Chicken Poop 1

Subject: Chicken Poop 1
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 18:49:56 EDT
Just for Fun !!!!

Enjoy..... ZAG

There Ain't No Chickens In There !!
by Rod Aydee

I knew by the look on my wife's face that it could only be one of two people 
on the phone. Either it was my Boss, who as usual calls to screw up my 
weekend, or Gasser Bill Evans. Now as far as which one is less liked by my 
wife, it probably would be Gasser. The way she sees it, he helps me deplete 
the checking account and Henry is seen as the conduit through which I can 
replenish it.

"Hey Rod... It's Gasser, what ya doin right this minute? I got a great lead 
on that Walton 1500RS I was tellin' ya about last week, get over here so we 
can go check it out!"
" Ahh Well..." the look on Twyla's face was like ' move an inch away from the 
paint brush and you won't need to wash up, the funeral director will handle 
it' ...." I'm kinda busy right now Gasser...., ah me and THE WIFE is paintin' 
the kitchen... (LOUDER) Which You Know I Been Promising Her Ever Since I Got 
Those Carb Kits from England." Trying to make Twyla understand I correctly 
understood the look and the order of importance painting had in her day.

"Well, Damn, I hate to run all the way out there, find it and not be able to 
get it on the trailer.... Man.... Can't your old lady handle that ????????" 
whined Gasser.

"Naw, I gotta get this done. I just wouldn't be right to leave it all up to 

Now I ain't never understood women. I don't pretend I ever will, but what 
happened next is beyond my comprehension. Twyla looks at me and says "Honey, 
I can finish this up. You've really done the biggest part." I stood there 
with my mouth hanging open, Gasser mumbling something as the phone dangled 
from my finger tips. Three things flashed through my mind. 1). She was 
succumbing to paint fumes, 2). The VISA bill is due in today's mail, or 3). 
My sister in law was gonna drop her kids off for us to watch for the next 10 
days as she runs off to Vegas for the third matrimonial ceremony and I'm 
gonna miss the Pocono race.

Quickly I covered up the phone and said " Gee Baby, He really does need my 
help, I mean it really IS IMPORTANT, and I won't spend any money. ( Well... 
other than a stop at the Saddle Club). Would You REALLLLLY Mind ????" 
..........My turn to whine. 

In that coy little voice she finds at times like this she says " No, it's 
OK.... besides Tawna might stop by." I knew it, there are only three things 
that can get me outta that kinda jamb and usually it's Tawna. Now Tawna is a 
whole story to her self, which we don't have time for, let's suffice to say 
she doesn't appreciate a 30 year old LBC as you or I might.

" GASSER ????.... Man you won't believe what a  Wonderful Wife I have... she 
said I can go ... and besides my Favorite Sister in Law might stop by to 
visit US later..." (Playing it Up Big and she knew it. The scrunched up 
eyebrows she threw at me said it all. Hey, I know my place.)

I was on Gasser's door in ten minutes. We had the trailer on the hitch in 5. 
Gasser's truck is reliable. It really is. It's just an embarrassment to ride 
in. I have often thought that whenever we would show up at a place to drag 
away an old car, people just naturally felt sorry for him. I mean sometimes 
they would literally give him whatever we went after afraid we might have to 
find life in it to make it home. We pulled out, went 50 feet and made the 
prerequisite stop to throw some coat hanger wire on the exhaust.

"Man I am telling you this just might be it !" Gasser wheezed as we jumped 
back into the truck. " Old Man Farley said he was in there about 10 years ago 
and it was all there. The over riders, the badge bar, even the 'Trilites was 
on it. I just hope the people have an affection for cash."

"Old Man Farley is usually full of crap. Remember the wild goose chase he 
sent us on for that Osberg MK3. Damn thing turned out to be just a rusted out 
ol' chevy. Not worth the gas to haul it to the recycler." I spit back at him. 
Gasser and I have been on a few of these and they all haven't turn out as 
expected. In fact I can't remember one that did... well except for the 
Harrington and that's another story too.

"No man, his kid was with him. He knows what they are, and he said it was 
perfect." Well, I decided to just wait and see. We followed the kids 
scratched on the back of a lunch sack directions which were surprisingly 
good. So I began to feel like maybe we would find the 'Holy Grail' and there 
would be a Walton 1500RS in that barn.

Now I don't know how well you know the Walton 1500RS. But, in 1960 they came 
on the European rally and race scene like Hitler through Belgium. They won 
every 1.5 liter class event they entered up including Le Mans. Where the 
three cars entered finished 14, 15, and 17th overall, finishing ahead of many 
of the bigger cars. The 15th place car won the Index of Thermal Performance 
Trophy. The car traveled 2112 miles at an average speed of about 88 mph. 
Using a minuscule 78 gallons of petrol. WOW !

When Walton designed the original car he had no intention of racing it. It 
was intended to be just another LBC to get about in... except at the last 
minute he had a dream. In this dream he imagined a rotary slide valve system 
that would allow the valves maximum lift at high rpms and shorter lift at 
lower rpms. The effect would be higher torque at lower revs and bigger 
horsepower at higher revs. Now I have only seen this in pictures, but it was 
a killer. He became a maniac in the tool and die shop. In less than three 
weeks they were producing the Walton 1500RS engines one at a time under his 
Eagle Eye. 

Prescott Walton was a suspicious man and he carefully guarded all of his 
inventions. This time making sure the patent office issued his number before 
releasing any of the cars. Walton was the first person to test the car. Upon 
returning to the shop he immediately set about proving his funny looking 
little car was all he knew it was. This is were Ian Manx became involved. 

Since Manx was the reigning European rally champion, Walton was hot to get 
him in the car. Walton went to the trouble of entering the car in the Alpine 
Rallye without a designated driver. Stories of the cars unique engine blazed 
through the Rallye circuit. He spread rumors that this driver and that driver 
were going to pilot the car.  The only name he intentionally left out was 
Manx. Egos like engines want to rev. Manx was no different. He had heard 
about the new engine design and if HE was the one to get it first, he would 
have a heads up on everyone else. Word was sent to Walton that Manx might be 
interested in driving the car in the pre-rallye short distance timed runs 
scheduled for two days before the event. At the appointed time the funny 
little car with the odd exhaust bite was rolled into the timing line. Manx 
mysteriously appeared as if out of thin air, jumped in the car and ran the 
fastest time of the day not only for 1.5 liter and under, but the 2.0 liter 
class as well. Needless to say everyone was a buzz.

So what does this have to do with chickens, right? Well the next time we 
visit, I'll clear that up along with how Gasser once again fell into it all.

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