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Ongoing Electrical Questions

To: "" <>
Subject: Ongoing Electrical Questions
From: Brent Kasl <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 14:27:48 -0500
Completed some testing on my son's S5 this weekend and several concerns
came up. This is regarding the post I sent Saturday regarding starting
problems and the car dying when running-
1. The 18 month old battery had two dead cells so that was replaced.
Also had the alternator tested at the shop and all ok. The output at the
battery is 12.42 volts, the reading at the starter solenoid is also
12.42 volts ( in case their was a cable leak) and the alternator upon
charging is also 12.42 volts, which is less than my mechanic thought it
should be. He was looking for 13.5-14.5 volts output. He told me to
focus on the 4TR voltage regulator so I tested it based on the manual. I
discovered their is no adjustment screw at the back of the 4TR unit as
described. The manual makes it sound like an external adjustment can
slightly control the output. This is an original regulator and the car
has been through alot so I question its condition anyway. How can this
be adjusted?
2. I noticed a gas leak between the two 150 carbs from the one year old
plastic 'T' connector. Is their a better setup to connect the two carbs
than this plastic 'T' connector bought from Rick at SS? I was never
impressed with the connection anyway because of the plastic-metal tube
lack of seal and this is why. Any thoughts or mods to correct this?
Thanks Brent

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