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Silkscreen work on heater control panel

Subject: Silkscreen work on heater control panel
From: Chris Mottram <>
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 07:51:22 -0700 (PDT)

I just got my heater control panel back and it looks
great. Well worth the nominal price for the nice job
you guys did with it.  Thanks!
For the listers -
To refinish the heater control panel mine was slightly
rusty so I sanded it clean, primed it with auto primer
in a spray can, top coated with spary can laquer (Bob
says enamel will lift when the silk screen is
applied)and proceeded with 600 grit sand and/or steel
wool to sand and repaint about 6 times until I was
happy with the black finish.
I mailed it off to Bob and for a song, he silk
screened the lettering on and it looks like he applied
a clear coat.
Now I have a really nice looking control panel to go
on my refinished dash.  Lettering looks OEM to me.  


--- wrote:
> The silk-screening of the panels is complete. I have
> sent them back in the 
> same package I received them in. You should receive
> them before the weekend 
> if all goes well. I hope you find them satisfactory.
> If you're happy with the 
> results tell others, if not, tell me.....Please! 
> I still don't have the new dash installed in our
> Tiger. I had hoped to have 
> it in for this years cruising season, but it looks
> like that won't happen. I 
> got sidetracked installing new window channels,
> guides, door panels, 
> restoring the latches, etc., etc. At least I'll be
> able to drive the car 
> without worrying about the doors flying open or the
> windows falling out. (I 
> hope!)
>                    Bob Lerch
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