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Re: B9109902 Found!

Subject: Re: B9109902 Found!
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 09:54:04 EDT

Great story.  I have a good one for you: about 15 years ago my wife & I 
bought a 150 year old colonial here in Ossining.  I had an old barn in the 
backyard and after a few years filled it with 4 Sunbeams, 3 Alpines and a 

After living there for about 4 years this girl who we later found out was a 
neighbors daughter (two houses away), came up to my wife and said "I have a 
car like yours except the steering wheel is on the other side"!  My wife 
introduced me to Pam and we walked over top her parents garage to find a 1966 
right hand drive Alpine GT!

Imagine, we lived two house away for over 4 years and didn't know the Alpine 
When I asked her why she wasn't driving it she replied "every time I press on 
the clutch my shoe gets ruined with some type of fluid."  It seems she didn't 
want to take the leaking Alpine to college and it sat in the garage for those 
4 years. I told her I could fix it for about $10 but she said that she would 
rather drive her Honda, we gave her $500 for it.

Sometimes you don't have to look very far to find a Beam. Anybody else have a 
good story?

Classic Sunbeam

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