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Colorado Alpine arrives in Seattle

Subject: Colorado Alpine arrives in Seattle
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 20:32:49 EDT
As many of you know my son sold his series 5 to a guy in Seattle.  The gent 
arrived Friday night, spent the night and left Saturday AM.  I was of course, 
hoping for the best and a trouble free trip.  I prepared them with everything 
I could think of just in case.  I just recieved an E-mail from him this 
afternoon and it sounds as if that little baby made the trip in glory for 
DYBCW!!!  Here is a copy of the letter.  And by the way Jim L., I gave him 
your name and every other Rootes fan I know in the Seattle area.  :)


The Apline made it the entire 1600 miles!  We arrived in Seattle this
morning (Tuesday).  It averaged about 35 mpg and used, MAYBE, one-half a
quart of oil.  It turned a lot of heads, gotta tell ya, even under the dust
it accumulated.

The ground temperature was plenty hot during the days and that put the
thermostat very high.  But we kept the speed around 58-60 and just let
everyone pass us by.  We only drove during daylight hours.  When we finally
dropped over the west side of the cascades, the temp dropped back down to a
normal range.

It seems that the throttle linkage spring (?)  is just not strong enough to
pull the gas pedal back to a normal idle.  Probably a minor adjustment.  The
only other item is the starter.  It sometimes needs to rock forward or
backward, in gear, to get the starter to engage.  It does diesel a bit, as
you warned.

I am buried in mail and things, but I will promptly return the fuel pump and
separately send you a coupla Dungeness crabs.  Thanks ever so much for the
meal and the bed and for the fine car.  I just know I am going to have a
struggle with Wesley as to ultimate ownership.  Thank Bobby for all the time
he put in on this project!

I will keep in touch, if you don't mind.



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