Hi Scott, Great story , and it even rhymes! I have been eagerly
anticipating DYBCW and thought I'd get an early start Friday by driving
my Sunbeam Alpine to my sales calls. 3 miles out of town the clutch
seized and would not allow me to shift gears so I ground it into 3rd,
ran two stops signs and a yield sign and got to within blocks of home
before being confronted by and stopping for a dangerous intersection.
Many emails and helpful responses by the friendly group on the
Alpine list led me to a 9 hour grunt and cuss session ( on Sunday no
less) pulling the transmission and replacing the clutch.
I'm happy to say that Sunday evening I was taking a victory lap
around town and showing my LBC spirit by participating in DRBCW.
Many thanks are owed to those on the list which I subscribe to and
to Mark Bradakis for keeping these lists running.
Rob Nanzig
67SV Sunbeam Alpine
Grand Haven , MI