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RE: Open/Closed Valves

Subject: RE: Open/Closed Valves
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 15:58:09 EDT
    Why bother to try to remember all that?  The only possible advantage I 
can see is being able to set the valves by rolling the engine over by 720 
degrees (one full cycle), instead of twice.  I still say it is simple to 
renumber the valves 1 thru 8 from front to rear and use the "magic number 9". 
 Even a completely inexperienced person cannot make a mistake identifying 
intake vs exhaust valves, as long as they can count to 9.   
    Below is what you wrote, (with my additions in parenthesis):
Jim Leach   Pacific Tiger Club  Seattle

#1 intake is full open, adjust #4 intake        (valve 2 + valve 7 = 9)
#2 intake is full open, adjust #3 intake        (valve 4 + valve 5 = 9)
#3 intake is full open, adjust #2 intake        (valve 5 + valve 4 = 9)
#4 intake is full open, adjust #1 intake        (valve 7 + valve 2 = 9)
#1 exhaust is full open, adjust #4 exhaust  (valve 1 + valve 8 = 9)
#2 exhaust is full open, adjust #3 exhaust  (valve 3 + valve 6 = 9) 
#3 exhaust is full open, adjust #2 exhaust  (valve 6 + valve 2 = 9)
#4 exhaust is full open, adjust #1 exhaust  (valve 7 + valve 1 = 9)

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