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Re: "alpino"

Subject: Re: "alpino"
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 23:51:50 EDT
Lou writes:

<< There actually was a car that would do this, it was called, "the Amphicar".
 To the unenlightened, the cars appear similar. There are few amphicars
 today. The idea was so improbable they didn't sell very well, and thus there
 were not many made. They were poor on land and equally poor in the water. >>

I saw two of those two summers ago at the Harold LeMay Car Show near Tacoma 
WA.  One was in Harold's collection and one was driven by a person attending. 
 I have no first hand knowledge of their sea worthiness but in about 1964 a 
fellow and his wife floated down the Yukon River beginning at Eagle, Alaska.  
I don't remember for sure how far he went but I think to the town of Circle 
which would be 100 - 150 miles on the river.  The guy's name was McKay.

Rob Carpenter

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