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Re: Crappy Sunbeam Parts Dealer

To: (Alpines)
Subject: Re: Crappy Sunbeam Parts Dealer
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:07:11 -0500 (CDT)
Christopher Albers wrote:
> I wish the original post had come to my box, for I'd like to see the
> exact comments that were made.  Apparently, from what I can gather,
> they were quite strong, aside from the subject line.

The original message was posted to the Tigers list only.  Some but not
all of the replies have been cross-posted to Alpines.  

Chuck (the original author) and Curt have publicly kissed and made up
on the Tigers list, so it is a non-issue now.

T.J. Higgins
Huntsville, AL

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