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Re: Should I or shouldn't I?

Subject: Re: Should I or shouldn't I?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:00:35 EDT
In a message dated 4/10/2001 12:28:02 PM, 

<< Yesterday my wife backed into my Alpine, denting it and chipping the
paint.Should I kill her?If so, how?CNA >>

Are you kidding?????????? Men   DIE  with never getting the chance to have 
ONE over on their woman !!!!!!!!!!

You are in the enviable position of being able to do EVERYTHING you have 
always wanted to do BUT were afraid to ask !!!!!!!

Want to play golf on your in-laws anniversary ?? ( Well Honey, since... well 
you remember... I just can't seem to get past.... the pain. I'm sure as a 
sensitive caring person... well You understand, DON"T YOU ??? Small 

The "Guys" invite you on the annual GOLF outting but you've never gone on in 
the SIX previous years you've been asked. ( Maybe a little time away and I 
can put it all behind me. You know Honey..... "Some Guy Time" might .... 
well.....just be what I need. Voice trailing off in soft moan..............

Don't screw up your opportunity by KILLING THIS ONE !! 

The next one WON"T CARE !!! And after a while, might get a sadistic pleasure 
out of knowing YOU BLEW IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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