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Re: Spring 2001 Fund Drive

To: "Mark J Bradakis" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Spring 2001 Fund Drive
From: "Louis & Laila" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 18:24:39 -0700
     What about us world travelers who always have a wad of paper money from
some third world country that we can't exchange at a legitimate exchange
service because we don't have enough, or the currency has no value beyond
its borders. Would you rather i put some of those mundane, dull, boring,
mediocre, run of the mill, American dollars that are worth something, in a
letter and send it to you, or would you rather I send you some colorful,
artistic, beautiful, lively, masterpieces that ain't worth squat? I doubt I
will ever go back to those places, and I have more than enough for memories
sake. As a side note, when i got off the ship in Indonesia, I had over 2
Meeellion Rhupiah! The economy had crashed so it went from 2,000Rp per
dollar to 12,000. I had a wad of cash the size of a softball! I still have
some of that laying around. Want it?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: Spring 2001 Fund Drive

> Ah, here in the Western United States spring is in the air, along with
> sorts of pollen.  Where're my tissues?
> For those of you who've been on one of the many lists for
> than a year or so, you know the story.  Perhaps some of you who have
> joined don't realize there is a man behind the curtain.  Wonder how much
> longer that "Wizard of Oz" reference will still be recognized?
> The server for the mailing lists, the web pages, and the FTP
> archives were originally set up over a decade ago using various bits of
> hardware related to my systems administration job at the University of
> Things have grown since the days of just two lists, autox and
> with a handful of subscribers on each.  Now we are talking in the range of
> or so different lists, with a subscriber base of around 16,000.  Neat.
> We are also no longer affiliated with the University of Utah, the services
> the mailing lists, and are now provided out of
> home.  So taking a cue from my favorite radio station here in Salt Lake
> KRCL ( ) I've started semi-annual fund drives to raise a few
> bucks to cover my out of pocket costs.  The radio station just finished
> fund raiser, time once again for the Team.Net version.  Certainly a
> scale, as KRCL needs about $65 per hour run, needs a little
> more than that *per month* to cover the costs of connecting to the world.
> the radio station prattles on about the fund drive for over a week, this
> be the only "commercial" you'll get from me until October.
> My request is simple - contribute some money.  It doesn't have to be much,
> I've often said that a dollar a year for every list subscription would be
> funding heaven for me.  And usually I get a few envelopes in the mail with
> no name, no return address, no nothing, except one United States dollar
> I love it!
> More likely is that under 1% of list subscribers will send in donations of
> 5, 10, 20 or whatever dollars.  A few commercial endeavors that have
> from exposure on one or more of the various lists will sometimes chip in
> healthy contributions.  In truth, I often think that the modest list
> expenses could be covered by selling "advertising" on the lists, something
> along the form of a trailer line like
>   This Month's Mini-Baja list brought to you by Aunt Bertha's Muffins
> One guy slapping away at the keyboard in the dead of night isn't going to
> attract the likes of Disney, AOL-Time-Warner, Viacom or one of the other
> massive conglomerates trying to dictate how you spend your entertainment
> dollars, so I come to you.
> If you just subscribed and have no idea what you are getting into, or just
> spent a zillion dollars airlifting in parts hoping to make that first big
> event of the season, if you sent in some bucks last time or are just plain
> broke, or if you despise everything I do and say but stay subscribed to
> lists anyway, don't sweat it.  It will all work out.  Not everyone is that
> comfortable sending money off to a flakey, badly procrastinating fellow
> myself.  It may take me months to even get around to opening your letter,
> let alone sending off a thank you note.
> On the other hand, if you count yourself as one who wishes to contribute
to the
> continuation of what I am up to, here's what I request.  Send a check,
> in United States funds to the order of 'Fat Chance Garage' to
> Fat Chance Garage
> PO Box 58333
> Salt Lake City, Utah  84158
> Or you can send a note with Visa or Mastercard info (no American Express
> Discover yet) to the above address.  Or you can FAX the info (account
> expiration date, contribution amount) to me at 801-355-5438.  Yes, I know
> various on-line payment services such as PayPal, and may someday use one,
> for now I have my reservations.  Maybe next time.
> Now, here's a twist.  In the past, I've admonished list subscribers
> overseas from the United States to not worry about the hassles of currency
> conversion, overseas postage and such; relax, your net.friends here will
> it.  The other day I had a chat with someone about the recent new designs
> US of A paper money.  And even with the facelift, the United States has
> of the most boring paper money in the world.  So here's an odd request, a
> personal favor to me, if you will.  If you live somewhere in the world
> has pictures and colors and neat stuff on your currency, I would
appreciate it
> if you would consider putting a small denomination bill in the post to the
> address listed above.  I'll put the currency on the side of the server or
> someplace visible, and when those times come along when I wonder why I
> doing what I do, I'll be reminded of the people around the world that
> the efforts of those that contribute to these lists.
> Thanks,
> mjb.

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