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British Mfgrs. (fwd)

To: (Alpines)
Subject: British Mfgrs. (fwd)
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 01 7:55:54 CST
Ronald H. Davis writes:
> As former Motorcycle Dealer (Established in 1965 and sold out Dec 99) I
> can attest to the problems the British had.
> In 1965 the Lucas rep. attending the Norton National Dealers Meeting in
> KC said that their machinery to make the ignition plate for the Norton
> was so old that they could NOT make a round plate, or place the mounting
> holes on it (for the points) in the proper place.  It was Norton's fault
> however, because they would not place a large enough order with Lucas
> that Lucas could afford to buy new machinery to manufacture this piece
> and ever hope to make a ROI.
> Next.  My brother and I visited BSA in 1969 and spoke to the
> International Sales Manager.  We told him a few home truths about the
> USA market.  Obviously it was not what he had been hearing from his
> people or what he wanted to hear as disbelief was written all over his
> face.  Needless to say, all our statements came true in the next few
> years.  We also saw the single cylinder 350cc that they sold to the Govt
> during WWII and was still being sold at retail.  They didn't have a
> clue.
> Ron Davis

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