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Rebuilding methodology (fwd)

To: (Alpines)
Subject: Rebuilding methodology (fwd)
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 01 10:28:06 CST
Bill Blue writes:
> Hi  I am a newbie to the site, and believe it or, the first time I have
> ever participated in such a thing.  But on to Sunbeams. =20
> I have a Seies 5 setting in the garage.  It was a "runner' until old =
> man
> time got to the rubber in the braking system.  This happened before I
> got it.  This is my second 'Beam, the first was a Series 2, purchased
> new in the summer of '62.  Lots of good times in that car.  But more to
> the point.
> =20
> How do most people go about "fixing" these things...These are the
> following problems that are evident:
> Rust through areas under car under door sill
> Partial engine rewiring, so I assume the wiring harness needs extensive
> attention
> Engine firewall messed up from a previous owners attempt to achieve god
> knows what
> Rear floor pan mutilated from obvious installation of a roll bar, now
> gone
> Engine has a lot of miles on it.  The car came with an engine overhaul
> gasket kit, so I assume it probably needs attention.
> The interior has been gutted, but the car came with most upholstery to
> fix it.
> Steering wheel is some incredibly ugly foam covered 13 incher
> The body has been primered, and looks pretty good.
> =20
> The only way I can see out of this is to strip it to the bones, and go
> from one end to the other, fixing/replacing as I go.  I did this once,
> about 15 years ago on a Blakely Bearcat, and it is a LOT of work.  But
> everything is so interconnected.  What would be a reasonable piecemeal
> approach?=20
> Sorry this is so long, edit if you must.
> Bill Blue

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