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Re: General Question, not Sunbeam related

To: <>
Subject: Re: General Question, not Sunbeam related
From: "Jennifer Faldyn" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:27:31 -0800

  Well that would more than likely be water in your gas tank. Esp if you
leave it outside for quite sometime with crappy gas in it. Some gas' have
additives that are co-mixed with water. As it sits in your tank the water
doesn't dissolve since we all knows gas and water, well just don't mix (like

I SERIOUSLY doubt if it is sugar, sand, clay, play dough, rocky road ice
cream or potato pieces (okay I was a mean kid what can I say?..I knew how to
get back at a guy the quickest, not below the belt, but through his car

J. Faldyn

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:55 AM
Subject: General Question, not Sunbeam related

A friend asked me to post this general question.  Delete not interested.

He is experiencing sputtering and pinging on two vehicles suddenly which are
parked outside unprotected.

Question:  does anyone know the symptoms of gas sabotage, such as sugar in
the tank?

Rob Carpenter

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