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Re: Thinking of selling

To: Paul Heuer <>
Subject: Re: Thinking of selling
From: Victor Hughes <>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 17:13:51 +1100
This is right on the mark, Paul.  I made the same mistake about 1987 when I 
sold a BMW
3.0Si after spending much on its restoration.  I got the $$$ back...but I sure 
missed the
Bimmer.  I nearly did it again with the Brock Commodore **  but the woman who 
bought it said "you don't really want to sell this do you?"  She was dead right.

Hang in there Chris, it'll be worth it



 ** See
These cars are similar to mine, 1 model earlier.  In the third picture, the car 
in the
background is almost identical.

Paul Heuer wrote:

> Chris,
> Glad to hear you have changed your mind.
> I sold my pride & joy (GM-Holden Torana SS-V8**) about 10 years ago when we
> bought our first house. It took me 7 years to convince the bride that the
> time was right to replace my 'toy'.
> I'd say it's much easier to justify *keeping* the car now, than it will be
> in a few years to justify *finding the money* to buy another.
> Even now, I find it hard to spare the time to work on my car, but I tell
> myself it's there when I do have the time.
> Cheers,
> Paul.
> ** See -
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