I'm currently in the midst of redoing the a/c in my Jensen. Power
loss is not as big a concern there, but I can answer some of your
I don't know what sort of compressor you have now, but you definitely
want it to be rotary. I'm told the old V-twin Mopar unit on the
Jensen took something like 17 hp to operate! True or not, I switched
to a Sandin rotary compressor, which is definitely more efficient
than the Mopar. I can't remember the Sandin model number but will
get it if you want.
Your fan, evaporator, condensor, and relay should all work fine with
the new compressor. You will probably want to get a new drier. The
thing you most definitely want to do is get new hoses made up. With
the cost of R-12 these days, you don't want an old hose failing and
all your brand-new R-12 going up in smoke. Been there, done that, the
cloud of smoke cost me $160. Ouch. Take your hoses to a refitter and
they'll make new ones for you. They'll probably even have the
fittings. If not, they'll use your old ones.
All the above holds true whether you are using R-12 or R134a
refrigerant. I am switching to R134a.
Cool Cat Eddie's email is eee1@snowhill.com
Good luck,
T.J. Higgins
Huntsville, AL
'67 Alpine V
'76 Interceptor III