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Re: Subject: steering cross tube

To: "Louis & Laila" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Subject: steering cross tube
From: "Steve Griffing" <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 20:43:05 -0400
> Could also be dealing with the path of least resistance, or the 2nd law of
> thermodynamics, since tires scrub when you turn, but roll smoothly
> Lou

> > I thought about this a little more.  What does cause a steering to
> > I assumed it was the forces created by the wheels rolling, like a
> gyrograph
> > forcing them to be as straight as possible.  Isn't that true?
> >

> > If You use a bearing, the chances are the steering won't return to
> > straight ahead position after turning a corner when driving Les

One word folks, Caster.
The farther the top of the spindle is behind the bottom, the more likely you
are to go straight.
The more straight up and down, the tighter/quicker you will turn.  Look at
the alignment specs for a Slalom or Gymkhana car and then compare them to a

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